
Integrated Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development of the Acaya and Roca Lands Union
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Melendugno, Caprarica, Castri, Vernole - Italy

Financial Resources:

P.O.R. FESR- FSE 2014-2020 - ASSE PRIORITARIO XII "Sviluppo Urbano Sostenibile" Azione 12.1 "Rigenerazione urbana sostenibile"


Public proposal / Sisus / Urban Regeneration / Participating Design / Integrated Strategy / Sustainable Mobility / Social Inclusion / Water Rescue / Environmental Protection


Unione dei Comuni delle Terre di Acaya e Roca


Call, Redidence working group, Participatory planning, Participatory processes with citizenship and Drafting of the Integrated Urban Development Strategy


Ing. Francesco Murrone, Arch. Maria Carla Lini, Ing. Cesare Colazzo, Arch. Francesco Murrone, Arch. Daniela Rollo, Ing. Annachiara Ingrosso, Dott. Arch. Roberto De Giorgi, Arch. Chiara De Pascalis, Arch. Antonella Massafra, Arch. Cristina Petrachi

Press Office:

Dott.ssa Palmina Surdo


Babelsound Agenzia Web di Matteo Tondo, Dott.ssa Marianna Lentini

Rigenera Terre di Acaya e Roca is an experimental participatory process promoted by the communities of Melendugno, Vernole, Caprarica and Castri di Lecce, made to share an urban development strategy.

MARGINE curated the organization and the coordination of the participatory process, as well as the drafting of the Integrated Strategy for the Sustainable Urban Development (SISUS). Through this integrated vision proposal the Acaya and Roca Municipalities Union applies to become an Urban Areas.

Rigenera was an important opportunity to learn how to observe the territory through a more complex look. To get to know and meet people from different countries/town who share places, crafts, experiences, memories, languages, problems and potential that the participatory process try to networking into an integrated system. The involvement of citizen in the urban planning decisions has been accompanying with a ‘gentle observation’ of space use practices, developed by technicians, experts and ‘community innovators’. The aim was to design all together an integrated vision of sustainable development for the next twenty-five years. The result of this process is not limited to identifying a common strategy, but it tries to understand what are the interventions which can trigger it. What are the “spores” that can be planned to develope the whole strategy.
Rigenera is a working progress urban planning that can be improved year by year, through a continuous collective confrontation, in order to increase the sense of community, to improve the places for the community, to strengthen the physical and intangible networks and generate virtuous processes of inclusion and acceptance.

For more informations: issuu.com/marginestudio/rigenera